How do we save time in application development
(1) Design

We save time in our design work by using existing designs.
(2) Implementation

We save time in our implementation work by using metadata.

Our implementation service is divided into two phases.

At phase I, the database design is entered as metadata. The database, three tiers and five wizards are built from the metadata. The estimated implementation time for this phase is two weeks, during which the metadata are entered, the database and tiers are built repeatedly, until design and/or entry mistakes are corrected, and the initial application is tested. At the end of this phase, the administrator can start to test the application and assign user access.

At phase II, each business rule is built into a wizard. The estimated implementation time for a single business process is within one week. The entry of the metadata for a wizard should be complete within one day. The filter queries for some dropdown boxes may need to be created manually from a template (two hours). Some of the stored procedures for silent actions may need to be created manually from a template (one day). In two days, the step-by-step interface, which deals with only one table each step, should be fully operational.

If an all-in-one page is required to host all steps at once, the page is generated based on the metadata (5 minutes). Some extra coding is needed on the page. C# methods to load some records in XML format, and JavaScript functions to provide dynamic interaction with the end users and to coordinate information between different steps, may need to be created manually from templates (two days). The calls to the silent action stored procedures may need to be manually adjusted to pass values from one or more previous steps (one hour). Some adjustments may be necessary to hide possible duplicate columns from different tables (one hour). Some field labels may need to be adjusted (one hour). By the end of a week, the all-in-one page should be fully operational. It often takes us less than one week to complete an all-in-one page of a wizard (excluding the design time).

In this way, we have simplified software application development to a great extent.
(3) Testing

With our implementation service, a lot of unit testing has become redundant. In another word, we have done the unit testing on the code that is automatically generated from the metadata. The unit testing in our service has been reduced to the manually generated components mentioned above, and the wizard. Our experience with such testing has reduced the testing effort even further.
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